Hi. Today I bring you a recipe of a very traditional Portuguese sponge-cake called “Pão de Ló”. It´s not a difficult recipe to do and it´s a great simple egg cake.
I learned how to do Pão de Ló with my godmother, Dinora, a great lady with fairy hands.
This is her recipe:
~ 6 eggs
~ 1 Tsp Butter
~ The weight of eggs in sugar
~ ½ the weight of eggs in selfraising flour
First of all warm up the oven, butter the cake pan and sprinkle it with flour.
You´ll need two bowls to separate eggs. Separate the yolks of the whites. Add the sugar to the yolks and beat until you obtain a homogeneous mixture. Add up the flour to the mixture and beat it again.
Beat egg whites until they are real stiff. Add to the mixture and mix softly. Pour the mixture into the cake pan and put it in the oven.
Bake about 45 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean after inserting into cake. After baking, wait around a quarter of hour until the cake cools and then remove from the pan.
This Portuguese sponge cake is great with coffe or tea in one of those rainy and cold afternoons. Bom Apetite.
hi there.your posting was a good delicious.btw would you exchange link with me?my blog topic is free recipe for kids and here the address http://food-kids-recipe.blogspot.com/ and if you don't mind, i have add you in my blogroll.please check it if you have a free time to browsing to my blog.thank you
This is so good. I love this cake. Why dont you join foodbuzz website. They work cool for foodie bloggers like you and me. Thru their publisher program we can earn money. If you are interested in joining the program, send me an email to viyer79@gmail.com. will send you the referral letter.
Hi Ipanks. Thanks for your visit.
I will exchange links with your blog, I´m adding a new blogroll.
Best regards. Mizé.
Hi Vidhya. Thanks for your visit and comment. I have joined Foodbuzz two days ago. I clicked in a logo in a food blog but I didn´t know they have an affiliate scheme.
I´m waiting for an e-mail or approvment, we have to wait, right?
I visited your food blog and I liked it because you have different recipes from my country´s.
If you´d like to exchange links with me I´ll be glad to add you in my blogroll.
Regards. Mizé.
Thats so nice of you mize. Will add you in my blogroll too. Eventhough I am a vegetarian, I would like to try all your vegetarian dishes especially this cake!!! This foodbuzz is just like blogcatalog for joining their publisher program, its not necessary to join the website first. Anyways you have already joined thats good. Will send you the referral letter if you are interested. Just mail me. Thanks once again for the visit.
Hi Vidhya. Thanks. It´s an honour to have you in my blogroll, I already added your blog.
Sometimes I cook vegetarian dishes, mostly soups, pasta and salads. I will visit your blog more often to learn different things, as I already did in my first visit.
I am interested in Foodbuz website. When you have time, please mail me your referral letter.
Cheers. Mizé.
OMG! do i ever love portugese bread. i have never had a recipe though, so i will hold onto this one.
Hi Deb, thanks for your visit.
Pão de Ló is a sweet sponge cake very famous in the center region of Portugal. I live in Algarve but I was born near Lisbon. When I was young I used to visit the north cities. I love their typical food. This recipe reminds me those visits.
Nice to meet you. Cheers.
Nao ha nada como o pao de lo....or if you want to describe in English you can say sponge cake...however you and me know is not the same really .....pao de lo is unique...thx for sharing
You have tested it and writing form your personal experience or you find some information online?
Mize,we still make "a pao do lo" in Goa (India) the place where I was born. My 85 year old mother still makes it. She has an old ring mould of an oven that you can keep on the gas stove that she usually bakes it, but I think she does not use any butter and its so light and fluffy. We make suspiros and a lot of boles. It was nice finding your blog as I am now far way from home.
I have just made this - I have chickens and am always on the hunt for egg heavy recipes.
It smells divine and I can't wait to taste it - it is cooling and tempting me!
Thank you for posting it!
the traditional ("correct") pao de lo must be partly liquid in the center -- any idea how to achieve this?
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