11 April 2009

Portuguese Easter Sweets

In Portugal, Easter sweets include chocolate eggs, sugar almonds and the typical "Folar da Páscoa" or Easter bread:

Portuguese Easter bread has different recipes, depending on the region.
In Algarve, the region I live, Easter bread is very sweet and it can include whole eggs or not.
In Olhão, a city in Algarve, Easter bread is made without whole eggs but in north regions of Portugal they do a salty type bread made with fat pork meat or presunto.
The video below shows a huge Easter bread made this year in Algarve:

Happy Easter!

Picture Source: http://cvssemprejovens.blogspot.com


  1. It's a beautiful bread. So golden brown and gorgeous!

  2. Is there a whole egg in the easter bread? I noticed it in the photo.
    This is interesting.

  3. What a gorgeous looking loaf of bread! I like how the eggs are nested in the loaf. I will look for a recipe to try next Easter. Thanks!

  4. Hi Mize! Hopped in to greet you a Happy Birthday. May you have many more to come. :)


  5. Hi. Thanks all for visiting and commenting.

    Reeni: I saw your Easter bread. It looks gorgeous too!
    Cheers xx

  6. Mei Teng:
    Yes, we use whole eggs in our Easter bread. After baking they have the Easter bread taste.
    Hugs from your Portuguese friend :)

  7. Mom´s Cafe Home:
    I agree, our Easter bread looks awsome.
    I didn´t post my recipe because I don´t know how to translate some ingredients. It´s my biggest limitation...
    Thanks for still visiting my simple food blog :):) I don´t have time to return drops anymore.

  8. Hi Liza!
    Thanks so much!
    A good weekend to you and your family.
    Hugs :):)


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