27 June 2010

Bacalhau Com Natas: Cream Codfish

Lately, I´ve been baking more than usual so I have a few new Portuguese desserts recipes to post in a near future. As main courses, and because our hot Summer arrived, I´ve been doing a lot of Pasta and Cold Salad recipes.
A traditional Portuguese Summer Dish is Grilled Fish with boiled potatoes and all sorts of veg combination salads such as "Salada Montanheira" and "Gaspacho". Portugal is well known for it´s Sardines and Summer is when you can find the best ones. Another good topic for a future post.
Check out my archives to find some Portuguese salad recipes, I keep repeating those recipes with some variations but I always return to my "classics".
Another good example is "Portuguese Bacalhau com Natas / Cream Codfish", the dish in the picture above. This is definitely my favorite Codfish recipe and although it´s a hot dish I cook it often. This time I added black olive oils which offer a great final touch to this recipe. Add a lettuce salad and you´ll have the best codfish recipe around!
See you soon :)


  1. Can you post the recipe for your codfish dish?

  2. Hello Anna,
    Thanks for visiting.
    The Codfish recipe is in "Portuguese Fish" category archives but you can also click the link in this post to get to the recipe´s post.
    I think you´ll enjoy my recipe :)
    Let me know when you tried it.


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