I adore Cheesecake but I had never tried baking one myself... until recently.
In Portugal we have a typical cake which resembles Cheesecake, it´s called "Pastel de Requeijão" but it´s different from this old style American Cheesecake recipe.
All the Cheesecake I had ever tried in my life was from Restaurants or that instant cheesecake packages we can find in the supermarkets here. I had promised myself that one day I would learn how to bake a great Cheesecake :)
The other day, I was bloghopping trough EC when I came across a Cheese Cake recipe which caught my attention, this one here, published at Omnivores Delight.
When I first read this recipe, I knew I could not follow it exactly because we don´t have here some of the brands but I decided to adapt it and try it anyway. Here´s what I changed:
1- I made a sweet dough myself using flour, sugar, butter, one egg and milk.
2- I used two Ricotta and Cream Cheese brands we can find in Portuguese supermarkets
3- I used less milk cream, only 200 ml.
4- I used vanilla sugar instead of essence
5- I used both white and yellow sugar, half each.
Everything else I followed the original recipe in the link above. I already baked this Cheesecake twice. The first 3 pictures are from my first trial and the last from the second, which I think worked better despite the look. Let me tell you.. this Cheesecake is so awesome!!
Now that I finally learned how to bake a good Cheesecake, I´m going to do it more often...for sure :)
See you xx
I love cheese cakes, especially the one that is homemade...
Your creamcheese cake looks lovely and moist!
Good job Mize, I too have never baked a cheesecake and have no idea how to bake one LOL! But I do love cheesecake yum! :D
cheese.. I love cheese! yum cheesecake!
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