9 September 2008

Portuguese Covert: Seasoned Carrots

Hi everyone.
Today´s post is about seasoned carrots, a covert that you can find in some Portuguese restaurants. I like seasoned carrots as a covert but also as a complement to some meat and pasta dishes, for example, grilled meat, strogonoff, beef aux champignon, lasagna and pizza.
So, here´s a simple but tasty & healthy recipe:

I boil three or four carrots in slices in salted water. I leave them to cool before I add the seasoning ingredients.
To season the carrots I use: a bit more salt, one or two garlic cloves, plenty extra virgin olive oil, vinegar, 1 bay leave in small pieces and a good portion of fresh parsley.
I mix everything in a salad bowl, add 2 Tsp of water and it´s ready to serve.
Last week I cooked a meat bolognese lasagna. I served the lasagna with a lettuce salad and seasoned carrots. I´ll post this recipes later.
Here´s how my seasoned carrots looked like:


Rachel said...

I have never eaten cold cooked carrots before It is a really interesting salad idea. I am always looking for new vegan salad ideas for when my sister comes over and I will give it a try next time she visits. Thanks for the great idea.

Mizé said...

Hi Rachel.
Cooked carrots are really great with the vinagrette sauce.
From what I´ve seen in some food blogs I (recently) started to visit, some of my recipes are original and different. That´s a great "mojo" for this blog. Thanks for your support too.