8 January 2009

Portuguese Restaurants in Algarve

As some of you know, I live in south Portugal, in a region called Algarve. It´s a touristic region that has great weather, many beaches and good restaurants.
I don´t eat out very often but when I do I try to select the restaurants I know that serve the best quality at affordable prices. I like eating out: Grilled meat or fish, Chinese, Italian, Mexican, and sometimes seafood.
Starting today, I will add to Portuguese Menu some pictures of my favorite restaurants and what they serve there.
Today´s post is about "Churrasqueira Sto António", a restaurant I like than only serves grilled meat and fish:

Check out why I like going there:

My favorites from this restaurant are: The huge but tender chops, squid kebabs, pork quebabs, chicken, and salmon. They serve very well and each meal can costs around 12.00 Euros for each person.
This time I had Squid Kebabs with rice and salad. Another great thing they have is desserts and an excellent small coffee we call "Bica".
See you.


Diary From Africa said...

A lovely idea to share some of your wonderful restaurants with us - the seafood looks delicious !

algarve_holiday said...

Nice Blog Mizé.
Excellent recipes!
(e.g. Sweet Rice)

Is this restaurant in Vila Real Santo António?

All the best with your blog!

Anonymous said...

really nice frnd...hats off to ur blog n posts..pls spend time to visit my blog..


Anonymous said...

frnd..ur having a nice blog...also take time 2 visit my blog frnd...


Mizé said...

Hi Lynda.
Thanks for dropping by.
Although I cook home most times, I do enjoy some restaurants here in Faro so I thought it was good blogging material. Glad you liked the idea.
In this post there´s something missing, the picture of the food I had. Next time I go there, I´ll try not to forget this part, lol.

Mizé said...

Algarve Holidays:
The restaurant is located in Faro, but the name is "Churrasqueira Sto. António".
Sto António is a Lisbon´s Saint.

Mizé said...

Hello Abraham.
I will visit your site soon.

Anonymous said...

Ola Mizé,

Sou Ingles mas vivo em Portugal (17 anos).

Este é o premeira vez que encontro a sua blog e ja eu gosto muito.:)

Esse lista das restaurants via ser muito boa para me tambem porque vivo mesmo perto de si (vivo em Alfarrobeira, perto de Loulé). Entao, força! Continua! :-)