22 February 2009

Sweet Temptations: Crêpe & Ice Cream

If you visit a Portuguese mall, you´ll probably find a "Crêperie". The crêpe in the picture above was made in a franchise Crêperie, which is present in big malls in major Portuguese cities.
The Crêpe is made "live" and we can chose different toppings, icecreams and nuts. One of this sweet temptations can cost near five Euros but it´s very well served.
I have a pancakes/crêpes recipe which my daughter likes very much. Today, we did Crêpes for dessert but I decided to post this picture because it looks more yummie.
See you.


  1. looks tempting:) can we have recipe please? does it has eggs btw ?

  2. I love crepes...on its own or with fruits and ice cream! Yum :)

  3. Yummie...I am a salad freak and that salad looks like something I could live on :)

    Your deserts are also sinfully delicious looking....but i stay away from that tricky type of food.
    There is a reason they call it sinful...the beauty catches your desire and then once it has you it never wants to leave.

    Have a very nice day!

  4. looks really good, does crepes originate from Portugal?

    I also love crepes, my favorites are mango and blueberry both topped with ice cream please.


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