20 June 2009

Portuguese Fruits: Figs

As I mentioned in previous posts, Summer (July, August & September) is the season when we have the best Portuguese fruits.
I picked the figs in the picture above from one of the trees in a friend´s countryhome. We call them "Figos Lampos" because they are the first figs of the season produced by each tree. For me, the first figs are the best ones.
This figs are produced by the samr tree but the green ones aren´t as sweet as the darker.
I saw figs in the supermarket at 4.80 Euros per kilo, the ones in the picture were for free :)
See you soon.


  1. I have tasted dried figs but not the fresh ones.

  2. Hello Mei Teng,
    Fresh figs are awsome! Much better than dried.
    Dried Figs are a Portguese Christmas tradition but not only. Here in Algarve they have a speciality called "Fig star" which is made of roasted dried figs with almonds. Umm...you just gave me an idea for a post :)
    See you soon, Mizé.


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